Download Decades Of Wisdom In Days
The average American reads just 4 books a year...
The average CEO reads 60 books a year...
How many books have YOU read this year? Join the #1bookaweek challenge!
Download Decades Of Wisdom In Days
The average American reads just 4 books a year...
The average CEO reads 60 books a year...
How many books have YOU read this year? Join the #1bookaweek challenge!
Bill Gates reads about 50 books each year. Mark Cuban strives for 3 hours each day. And when Warren Buffett first started his investing career, he read up to 1,000 pages each day.

High performers love reading because it’s an easy way to download decades of knowledge in just days. Reading also has countless other benefits - including boosting your brainpower, reducing stress, and even increasing your empathy!
Bill Gates reads about 50 books each year. Mark Cuban strives for 3 hours each day. And when Warren Buffett first started his investing career, he read up to 1,000 pages each day.

High performers love reading because it’s an easy way to download decades of knowledge in just days. Reading also has countless other benefits - including boosting your brainpower, reducing stress, and even increasing your empathy!
Want To Read More Books? Join The #1bookaweek Challenge! Here's How It Works:
- Every week, pick a book you’d like to read. (You can start on any day!)

- Take a photo of your book and post it on Instagram. Tag #1BookAWeek, @jimkwik, and @KwikLearning. (Sorry, audiobooks don’t count! We want you to read, not listen.)

- Read your book and check your messages - every week, we’ll be awarding one lucky participant a $20 Amazon gift card!
Want To Read More Books? Join The #1bookaweek Challenge! Here's How It Works:
- Every week, pick a book you’d like to read. (You can start on any day!)

- Take a photo of your book and post it on Instagram. Tag #1BookAWeek, @jimkwik, and @KwikLearning. (Sorry, audiobooks don’t count! We want you to read, not listen.)

- Read your book and check your messages - every week, we’ll be awarding one lucky participant a $20 Amazon gift card!
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